This chili has become a sensation on the internet! So much so that she got a name glow-up from Pumpkin Chili to Harvest chili (too many people associate “pumpkin” with something sweet and I assure you, this chili is stick-to-your-bones savory and hearty!). Without further adieu, the chili of your dreams 👇 I’ve been thinking […]

Fresh from the kitchen

Some day in the middle of March I woke up at 2:00am and moved toward Jeremy. I wrapped myself around him and thought, “I’m going to miss him in my bed.” But, first, last October I received one of those emails about cheap round trip flights. I looked at it and saw that Jeremy and […]

Back in February I was sitting at the bar top of our neighborhood restaurant rattling off sections of my day to Jeremy. Tapas arrived in quick succession which made me both happy and somehow more open. I always say that we all have at least one life defining moment that happened at a table over […]

The only reason I have even been remotely signaled to write a summer wrap up post is because of all the back to school photos in my Facebook newsfeed. The first child I saw nearly sent me into a head spin. I audibly said to the adorable girl on my webpage, “Oh my gosh – […]

I’ve been learning to settle into my skin, not locations. To find my home in people, not structures. I keep a bright idea in my pocket, that wherever I am is exactly where God has me and to bloom alive right there. To put all that I am in that moment, in front of that […]

It’s been rainy and cold here in South Carolina and I have basically found myself in need of a snuggie. Mind you my auto-correct turned snuggie into snuggle and I’ll take some of those too 🙂 Also, it is shocking to me that the Air Force did not send Beau home early on any of […]

So, this was the post I originally published for last week’s Around Our Table. It’s the one that got unpublished so I could share my broken heart (also, I have a post on Monday as a follow-up so stay tuned). But this post is bright and sunshine filled and I think we need some of that this […]

I’ve been all over this town telling people I already miss summer. Like some crazed and delusional girlfriend I’ve leeched onto this season and my request is simple, “Summer, stay forever! Or at least take me with you.” But the other day I sat down to think about why fall is going to have to […]

Gosh I want to know you! But I have been a horrible host here on this little blog. I’m still dancing between wanting to get you just a recipe, no strings attached, and also wanting to bring to you my bright, joy dripping self. That’s why I wrote this post about more heart. And then […]

I’m a food blogger that loves teaching people how to cook through my recipes. You can find me shouting, “Naked garlic” everytime I remove the little coat from the garlic clove. 

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I'm Bri McKoy

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