I’ve been holding onto this one. Waiting for that beautiful wild time when buds are forming, pregnant with such nostalgic hope. My pupil takes in unformed petals.
In this bud I see me, shedding layers, stepping outside barefoot on dewy grass. Take breaths. My hand finds my chest. I think my heart feels dewy too. New. Grateful. Warm.
I move winter clothes down the pole in the closet. Out of sight. I move coffee mugs back into the cabinet. Far back.
Pull my hair up. Shorts hit my waist and settle in. It’s spring. A new spring. A spring I have never encountered before but one I have always welcomed. I walk onto that long abandoned porch, grab my pen, grab spring’s hand. And I write.
Because Stephen King said to write every day. Always every day. even if you don’t have anything to write – well then honey child, write about that.
Iced coffee hits my tongue in-between inconclusive thoughts. Too many thoughts.
Scribble. Sip. Scribble. Sip. Scripple….thank Him. Sip. Breathe. Everything feels so brilliantly new. And warm.
Always warm.
What is spring or summer without iced coffee? Let me tell you something friend, I drink iced coffee in these warm months like it’s where my secrets are held. Like that’s when the excavating in my mind happens.
Scribble. Sip. Scribble. Sip.
Then one day while rummaging through Tuesday Mornings I found a large french press. An iced coffee french press. A money saving, morning joy, yellow like my image of the sun…french press.
So for $20 I walked away with it. Skeptical.
Two years later and it is one of my favorites. My favorite gift to give. My favorite uncovered treasure each spring. And if you like iced coffee, I think it could be your favorite too.
I had to experiment with it a bit to find my perfect iced cuppa. But I found it.
First, the iced coffee french press. Here she is:

It is the Bodum Ice French Press!
You can also use your own french press. I like the ice french press because it is large and can make huge batches of iced coffee (it usually lasts me the whole week) and it has an airtight lid which is important when the coffee is steeping in the refrigerator overnight.
This french press comes with a scoop. I measured it out yesterday and this scoop is the equivalent of 1 and 1/2 tablespoons. So if you are using your own french press – that is the measurement.
I do a 2 to 1 ratio. And it turns out perfect every time.
You will need coffee beans ground for a french press (otherwise known as coarsely ground). See how coarse these grinds are:

Add 10 scoops, yes, 10 scoops, of these coffee grinds to your cold french press. Then add 5 cups purified water. Purified water ensures that any minerals in tap water do not mess with the flavor profile of the beans.
Give it a good stir to incorporate the beans into the water.
Add your airtight lid.
Put it in the refrigerator overnight or for at least 5-7 hours.
The next morning, replace the airtight lid with the press.
And press.

As you can see, I pressed, poured some iced coffee for myself and then took this picture. Ain’t no problem with that, honey.
And there you have it. Your friend for spring mornings.
Add some ice to a glass. And a little of your favorite creamer.

Have you ever tried plain heavy whipping cream? It is so rich and creamy.
Iced coffee for the lover. Cheers.

I want to grab spring’s hand and drink iced coffee on a porch, too!
Love this post… and feel the urge to go buy an iced french press this very moment.
Thanks, Bekah 🙂 You are so sweet. Wish I knew you better when we both lived in the same state!
Looks yummy but why is it in a jar ? Lol , I don’t like ordinary coffee I thinks it’s overrated I only very rarely drink it but I love iced coffee way better
Hi Anon,
I love drinking my coffee, well most drinks, from a mason jar 🙂 I guess I am strange like that! It’s good to hear that you like iced coffee. Hope you enjoy!
What a wonderful post. So inspiring, so beautifully written. I want iced coffeeeee.
Thank you so SO much, Carrie! Very encouraging to my heart 🙂 Hope you enjoy the coffee!
We drink out of mason jars, too. I’m planning a baby shower around them for this weekend! Wish could find pink straws right this second for very cheap. 🙂
Anyway, I found this because I’m trying to figure out the ratio of coffee to ice to cream. I haven’t been able to get it just right. Could you give me estimated measurements?
Thanks! Cute blog!
Hey Megan! I just bought some fun straws yesterday from Amazon – I checked and if you type in “pink straws” there are some pretty cute ones 🙂 Not sure if you have Amazon Prime but if you do, you might be able to get them by Saturday!
Anyway, coffee! I never thought to measure out everything I put into my coffee but I did this morning! I use a pint size mason jar. I like my iced coffee really cold. So I add enough ice to almost fill it up (1 1/2 cups ice). Then I fill it almost to the top with my iced coffee (1 cup), making sure to leave room for my heavy whipping cream. I use heavy whipping cream as my creamer of choice. Like the name suggests it is thick and very creamy! I only add 1 tablespoon. If you are using half and half or some other kind of creamer you probably need to double that. The first few times I made it I played around with it – one morning I’d try 1 tablespoon of cream, the next morning 1 1/2 tablespoons of cream until I found my perfect “recipe.” Now I just eye ball it 🙂 Also, I like a stronger coffee taste, so if you want less of a coffee taste you might want to add more cream. Or if you like a very strong coffee taste I would only add 1/2 tablespoon of heavy whipping cream. Hope this helps!! Thanks for stopping by!
Bri! Oh My Goodness… I bought one of these things about a year ago and got tired of trying to figure out the best recipe. I’m soooo excited to try yours!! Thanks for sharing. and also, I have those straws! The Nester was right in thinking we would be friends:)
Bri! Oh My Goodness… I bought one of these things about a year ago and got tired of trying to figure out the best recipe. I’m soooo excited to try yours!! Thanks for sharing. and also, I have those straws! The Nester was right in thinking we would be friends:)
Reeve! It is so good to see you over her on my little blog! And yes, there was some trial and error with the cold press! But I think I have it down just right! I have been staring at it the past few weeks waiting for it to warm up 🙂 So glad The Nester introduced us!
I also use this same recipe for my cold brew but one step that I’ve found that makes the coffee taste even better is when you take the airtight lid off stir the coffee grounds before you put the order on. It tastes SO much better ♥
This is a great tip, Kimberly! Thank you!
I got one of these exact french presses for Christmas! I am a little confused about the measurements though…in your post you say to use 10 scoops, (which would equal 15 tablespoons). But in the recipe it says to add 7.5 tablespoons. Can you clarify for me please? 🙂 I’m excited to try it!
Hi Julie! I am so excited for your Christmas gift! It is going to become your best friend <3
And thank you so much for pointing out the recipe error. It is definitely 10 scoops or 15 TBS. I have updated the recipe! I hope you enjoy!
It is perfect!! My old recipe for iced coffee concentrate used instant coffee and lots of sugar…NO MORE!!
ALL THE PRAISE HANDS!!!!! I am so grateful! Thank you for reporting back!