This homemade casserole is creamy and rich but keeps the bite and brightness of the green beans! It also has a secret ingredient topping that makes this dish disappear as soon as it hits the table.

Fresh from the kitchen

We’re making homemade loaded baked potato soup! The soup is so hearty in a stick-to-your-ribs kind of way that I almost want to call it a potato stew! Baked potato soup has not really been in my recipe cache as an adult but it is something my mom made when I was growing up and […]

Listen, I have craved chili approximately 0 times in my life. And that’s being generous. But the weekend after Thanksgiving I wanted two things, cold weather and chili. I could not do much about the cold weather because it is Southern California. But we did put our tree up after basically rearranging our tiny space […]

Someone asked me this week why I love my 30s so much. I had a lot to say about that. But I think Ann Quindlen really said it, “Failure is so terrifying to the young. So is unpredictability. They’re afraid they’ll get it wrong. You have to use cookbooks for a long time before you realize that […]

February. Big, bright, messy month that she is. Here, inviting herself into our lives. Invite. This is my One Word for 2015. It has come up around me and slipped its hand in mine. Like an old friend. Like a courageous new friend. Inviting is everywhere. Inviting is generosity calling out someone by name in […]

This week. It’s been fast and slow. All the moments a bit underwhelming but when added up they seemed to ball up into one big overwhelming. But I remember my Lord. That He invites me to come to His table. We don’t have to awkwardly wonder where we will sit or if there is room. […]

Last weekend it was so cold in South Carolina. It even snowed in some parts of the state. Which really messed with this Colorado girl. I discovered a few things about me. One, at the first sighting of a chill I will pull out winter clothes like I’m preparing for negative degree temperatures.  Two, despite living in […]

I’m a food blogger that loves teaching people how to cook through my recipes. You can find me shouting, “Naked garlic” everytime I remove the little coat from the garlic clove. 

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I'm Bri McKoy

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