Around Our Table

Bri & Jeremy, Our Life

Gosh I want to know you!

But I have been a horrible host here on this little blog.

I’m still dancing between wanting to get you just a recipe, no strings attached, and also wanting to bring to you my bright, joy dripping self. That’s why I wrote this post about more heart. And then I stumbled and fell away from that.

That changes this week. That changes on Thursdays… or maybe Saturdays? Or the ever quiet Sundays? I’ll play around with the day to do this post. Today it’s Thursday! Anyway, this is to share more of me and in hopes of hearing more from you I’m going to share my table, the best way I can through a blog!

So, my table:

Our Table

Our dining room table is an excellent collector. He collects mail from the week and receipts from my purse. He keeps articles cut out from magazines and coupons torn out. He has pieces of paper with scribbles of a favorite quote I found. And his ability to balance all my cookbooks tall and sturdy has always amazed me.

He collects friends that gather and eat. He scoops up my food and cradles it through the night as we dish it from the bowls. He listens in on prayers whispered quiet, some bold, some desperate.

At the end of the week I go through the treasures left on that table & I’m going to start sharing them here every week. Maybe pictures of some of our gatherings? Maybe some fun articles I read. Probably some of my favorite recipes from the web. And hopefully a few of my favorite kitchen stuffs.

But I want to hear from you too, ok?!

What you found at your table at the end of the week. What articles you loved. What prayers you’re whispering.

Let’s do this. Together.

As a reminder, this is me. Signature messy bun and pink lips (although red has been fun lately!).

bri mckoy_sc_cc photography

This is Beau, my husband. I’ve been calling him Beau since we first started dating and it has stuck.

meet beau

The below pictures were taken in Italy. We went there last there last year for my 30th and we got to cook in Bianca’s kitchen. Bianca is the most stunning Italian woman I’ve met and she told Beau that he was an excellent cook. According to her he has, “A great way with pie dough and pasta dough.”

Beau with Pie Crust

We fell in love with cooking after we fell in love with each other. You can read about it here.

bri and beau in italy

A couple that makes homemade pasta together, stays together 🙂 That’s a thing – right?

beau and bri with pasta dough

I turned 31 on August 11 and I have to say I am absolutely in love with my 30s. Here is a tribute I wrote to my 30s when I entered them last year:

TODAY. I bid a very sincere farewell to my 20s. To my 20s: you were so good to me. You were incredibly hard on me.  I always felt like I was taking one step forward and too many more back. You were absolutely exhilarating. And unbelievably heartbreaking. You were confusing. Empowering. Freeing. Frightening. In you I drew so near to Him. I discovered what a stranger I am to this world. In you, I found the man who is walking me Home. I learned so much. I grew up beyond recognition. Now I leave you. Fondly. Hello, 30s. I expect nothing less from you.

I posted that on Instagram. Gosh, I LOVE Instagram. LOVE. And I post there often throughout the week. So I’d love to see you there too. Follow me and I’ll follow you? That sounds more creepy than I wanted it to…

bri mckoy on instagram

Now, around my table this week:

Let’s laugh. Beau found this video about being a neighbor and I watched it 8,000 times this week!

Do you watch SYTYCD? I am obsessed and have been for about seven years now. When I married Beau I got him into it – he loves it too! This routine has been our favorite this season. Put a little pep in your day!

What are you cooking this week? Sumer has had me so very lazy in the kitchen. No less than 20 days this summer did I have popcorn and red wine for dinner (thank you, Olivia Pope). But I am jumping back into it full swing.

I want to make big batches of this chicken stock in preparation for fall soups! Thank you, Joy! xoxo

Right now I am reading this new book from Emily P Freeman:

Simply Tuesday

My soul NEEDS this book. Especially entering into the crazy back-to-school fall season. This is one of my favorite quotes from the book:

May we be marked more by our small moments than by our fast movements.

This book is bubbling with so many deep soul breaths. Get it on Amazon today & hopefully you can have it by the weekend!

This last Tuesday Beau and I saw that there was a wine and floral arrangement class at Whole Foods. It was only $20 and we had lots of wine (they kept the juice flowing), got to put together two gorgeous bouquets, and learned some helpful tips. Then we were able to do some of our grocery shopping. Win. Win. Win.

We love looking for little classes like this at Whole Foods. Williams Sonoma also does classes like these. Simple, casual, cheap.

bri and beau at whole foods

Lastly, my new favorite thing. Sweet potato noodles!

sweet potato noodles

And Zoodles! Chicken Zoodle Soup recipe is up!

I have had my spiral vegetable slicer for over one year. I got it in great hopes of making ALL THE VEGETABLE NOODLES! And then somehow it got packed away. I rediscovered it this past week and have used it to make every weeknight meal.

This is my favorite tool. Easy to use, even easier clean up. I’m posting recipes next week that use this beauty. If you get one on Amazon today hopefully you’ll have it in time for meals next week 🙂

Ok, that was from my table this week. Hold me to this? More of me, more of you. Recipes too but not without friendship.

To kick this off, tell me: what are your three favorite things about yourself? I am so excited to know you!



*this post contains Amazon Affiliate links.

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  1. Rhondi says:

    Hi Brie. I LOVE this post! So three favorite things about myself: 1. I LOVE to have people to our house and sit around the table. Interesting that you called your table “he”. 2. I love blue and white together in dushes, clothes, furniture… just about everything. 3. I love to travel.
    We met before at a booksigning at Amelie’s for Tsh’ Notes From a Blue Bike and maybe also at Myquillyn’s book signing in Cornelius.
    If you live near Charlotte, I want to invite you and Beau to sit around our table, share some wine, food and conversation and eat off my blue and white dishes

    • Bri McKoy says:

      Rhondi! I remember meeting you at both at Tsh and Myquillyn’s book signings. You are such a dear heart. Your invitation to sit at your table sounds irresistible! I hope we can make it happen one day. So grateful for your heart. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Katie Turner says:

    Love you, Bri! Three favorite things about myself? HHhmm. My wit, my home decorating style, and my ability to reflect/process things. And on my table this week I have: My Bible, my favorite salt and pepper shakers, and an orchid that I have managed to keep alive for almost two years. (That’s a total win!) I know you didn’t ask for that last part but it seemed fitting, given your post. 🙂 Keep up the great blogging work – I can’t wait to make the post roast with the pepperoncinis and garlic!

  3. Becky Giovagnoni says:

    “Recipes too, but not without friendship.”
    Of course. This is SO you. Brianne. I love this. I might be your blog’s biggest fan. (Not to mention yours.)
    Three favorite things about myself…
    1. My enthusiasm. I LOVE getting excited with/for people when they share their great news.
    2. My transparency. Still exploring this one but love how it connect me with people.
    3. My good taste in men. (I kid.) But seriously I am a better version of myself with Chris in my life. 🙂

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