She strikes again. Almost a year later. “She” being the words, the writer, the other companion I have. But she’s neglected. And she knows it. Sorry, luv. Too much happened this year. Reflection almost became an enemy to survival.
But, I do miss you. Please come back. See, here is what’s happening:
I don’t feel like I am being ushered into the New Year. I feel like I am being hurled. 2011 has picked up my memories, my events, my going heres and theres…he’s waded them all up, along with me, and he’s aiming me at 2012.

Marrying my love. Very new.
I have been overwhelmed; almost overcome, by new experiences, new people, a new life. New mercies. New loving-kindnesses. Lots of new. It’s all still so new, it does not have a hint of fading or that beginning smell of dust.
Marriage. Living in Florida. New job position. New puppy. New home (twice). Lots of traveling. Did I mention that I love cooking now? That’s really new!
I did not just forsake my writing (again) I crept away from pursuing to know God. Mostly, I just did a really good job of maintaining. But, maintaining and more horrifically, complacency, is such an enemy to love.
I am utterly shocked that 2012 is about to make his appearance. But, I have a plan; more importantly, I have a word.
About three years ago, my boss (at the time) introduced me to a different kind of New Year’s Resolution. If you know me, you know I am not a resolutions kind of gal. More like a, “It’s midnight! I’ll have that sip of champagne and a kiss and go to bed now!” kind of gal. But, I liked what he shared and it has stuck.
One word. That’s it.
It is a discipline of seeking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the word that God has for you in the upcoming year. Read more about.
So far I have had:
It is a spiritual discipline. Each year I thought I understood why the word was given to me. Alas, each year the Lord has used the word in my life in a way I did not expect.
He’s like that.
This year my word is one I do not even remotely understand. I have tried to change it many times. But, I know which word was given to me.
I am waiting on a little more revelation. I am sure it will take about 365 days.
If you are so inclined, please ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the word He has for you in 2012. And then share it. I’d love that.
Thanks for sharing your word. I also appreciate the challenge and my wife and I have had some interesting talks around the one word idea.