I wrote this post last Thursday when Florida came under a cold front. Then Beau came home for the weekend and we cooked and ate and slept it. We attempted a 1,000 piece puzzle and laughed a lot. It was brilliant. So I forgot about this post. But here it is. Also, Florida is sunny again.
When I open the blinds and let the world in I see dreary. Light gray clouds too close to me; too far from dreams.
Florida came under a cold front. And I thanked God.
Dreary mornings which make it seem like the world is not so furious in speed. As if making the bed can be done in leisure. Morning coffee can be sipped slow, steady. Without haste and without worry.
It’s like everything is going to get done today. Because it will wax on long like the slow Drizzle outside. And I want to invite her in for a cup of tea. Ask her to stay awhile. I want to shake her hand and remember fresh and cool and clean.
There is peace. There is pause. There is remembering and keeping.
All my fears and inconsistencies fall away and detach like the white gray clouds abandoning the sky. Swooping low to gently lay down the rain. They seem to know the world they release the rain into is harsh, uncouth, unforgiving.
Like they know better than I do that the days are evil. And the prince of this world is a deceiver.
This morning, so careful are the clouds to not to let the droplets burst and break, like my heart does.
I reach for an egg and crack. And I remember. I think it must sound like my heart when I first fell from innocence. When I gave my first mean look. Said my first mean word. When I first shouted and scared myself.
Like all the times since being married that I have been confused or mean or ruthless. And Beau would reach for my hand and everything in me would contract and kindness was too much.
Then the yolk falls and drops. I think it looks free. Brilliantly yellow orange. Un-regrettably fragile. I remember being fragile, without regret. Without words to protect and looks to convey.

And I pray and make an egg bake and remember salvation and hope.
I remember that one day I too will be free for good. Slip away from this skin. Drop away from this world. And I will be new and lovely and holy. Brilliantly bright.
I remember what He said, “I (Jesus) have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
You should make an egg bake too. It’s unsuspectingly cleansing. It’s Paleo. And it’s something different from the normal egg breakfast.
First, preheat the Broiler and place the oven rack 6 inches below the heat.
Grab a small tart dish or ramekin. This recipe makes 4 servings, so you will want 4 dishes (or you can cut the recipe in half).
Place 1/2 tablespoon of butter into each dish and set aside.

Here is where you can get creative! Use herbs you already have on hand. I had parsley and dill (I love dill in eggs). But you can use just parsley or thyme or rosemary. Whatever you use mince up 1/2 teaspoon of each.

Place the minced herbs in a small bowl. Add 1 clove of minced garlic to the herbs and mix to combine.
I place two eggs in each tart dish but you can add as many as three.
The important step is to prepare the eggs before you get started. If you are making 4 servings with two eggs each, carefully crack the two eggs into 4 dishes, separate from the ones you will be baking in (you will not be baking the eggs in these dishes but it is important to have the eggs ready to go).
Place the 4 tart dishes that have the butter in them on a baking sheet and place it under the broiler until the butter is bubbling. About 3-4 minutes.
Pull the baking sheet out and carefully pour the eggs into each tart dish. Sprinkle the herb mixture over the eggs in each dish.

Then sprinkle with salt and pepper to your liking.
Now here is the very best part. Most egg bakes will now tell you to add parmesan cheese or some kind of cheese. But cheese is not Paleo. But, I could not just omit it, I wanted that salty bite that comes from parm. So, naturally, I went hunting for Paleo Parmesan cheese. I actually found a lot of recipes out there but I did not have any of the ingredients. So, I improvised and came up with what I think is going to be a new staple in this household.
To make Paleo Parmasean Cheese:
Grab 1 cup pine nuts (that’s what I had. Others used Brazil nuts) and throw it in the food processor. Add 1 clove minced garlic. Also add 1 tsp olive oil and 1/4 tsp salt. I also added a few leafs of parsley to add some brightness! I also think a squeeze of lemon could add some tartness which would complement the saltiness.

Then pulse until it becomes somewhat of a paste.
Behold: Paleo Parmesan Cheese

Obviously the texture is not like parmesan cheese but the flavor is there. Also, this little mixture gives a nice bit of texture to the egg bake.
So, if you are using REAL parmesan cheese, grate some onto each egg bake. Place the baking sheet with the tart dishes back under the broiler for 5 to 6 minutes until the whites of the eggs are almost cooked. The eggs will continue to cook when you pull them out of the oven. Overall the yolk will still be very runny.
If you prefer a firmer yolk continue to bake to eggs for an additional 3-4 minutes.
If you use the paleo parmesan cheese. Place the baking sheet with the tart dishes back under the broiler for 5 to 6 minutes (without adding the cheese) for 4 minutes. Pull them out and add the paleo parm cheese on top and continue cooking for 2 additional minutes (or longer if you want less runny yolks).
Pull out of the oven and allow to set for 60 seconds. Serve. Eat. Pray.

Paleo Egg Bake Paleo Parmesan Cheese
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Cook Time: 5 minutes
- Total Time: 10 minutes
- 1/2 tsp each of fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary, parsley, dill…)
- 1 garlic clove minced
- 8 large organic eggs
- 2 TBS butter
- Kosher salt
- Freshly ground black pepper
- 1 cup pine nuts
- 1/2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1/4 tsp salt
- Handful of parsley leaves (optional)
- Preheat the Broiler and place the oven rack 6 inches below the heat.
- Combine the garlic and herbs and set aside.
- Carefully crack two eggs into each of 4 small bowls (they will not be baked in these)
- Place 4 individual tart dishes, ramekins or gratin dishes on a baking sheet.
- Place 1/2 TBS of butter in each dish.
- Place under the broiler until the butter is melted and bubbly, about three minutes.
- Pull the baking sheet out and pour the 2 eggs into each dish.
- Sprinkle evenly with the herb mixture.
- Sprinkle with salt and pepper to your liking.
- Place back under the broiler for five minutes.
- Pull the baking sheet out and add a sprinkling of Paleo parmesan cheese (if using).
- Add all ingredients to a food processor.
- Process until all ingredients are mixed and form a paste.
Can store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for one week.
Yum! I love this. And I too wish I could invite Drizzle in to sit, there is nothing more delicious than a morning like this! Please come home and let me eat your food now. Ok?
I’m sure the recipe is yummy but I am actually writing to say that your first photo of the eggs and shells is amazing! Great job!
Thank you so much, Maggie! Such a sweet, sweet comment 🙂
Love the photos!! : ) Looks delicious.
This post, my friend, is truly lovely. Everything about it. Your words, images and ideas. Love them all. I can’t WAIT to cook with you when you’re back in town. Love ya!