Around Our Table: Always Home

Our Life

I’ve been learning to settle into my skin, not locations. To find my home in people, not structures. I keep a bright idea in my pocket, that wherever I am is exactly where God has me and to bloom alive right there. To put all that I am in that moment, in front of that person – not to reserve any of me for the next day or the next moment or the next location.

I’m learning that there is an art to pouring oneself out every day. That it only takes a bit of willingness and then a whole lot of trust. Trust in the One who made us, that He can use us as we show up. That He will replenish us as we spill out and over. That He can use all of us, even the the broken frayed edges of ourselves.

a prayer jounral

With the announcement of our move to L.A. In early 2016, Beau and I have been traveling a lot for work. And we have a lot more travel ahead of us before our cross country move. Last weekend my home was at the Allume conference with some women who are fierce wonders for the Lord.

Most people know I am an extravert and being around people is my absolute jam. I love people. I love the life God put in them. The breath He sustains them by. But before any event where I will meet new people and see old friends, I take a moment (this time in my car) and I remind myself that God brought me here. That while I want to be loved on – there are people He needs me to love on. That whether I am tired or missing Beau I still desire to be the Bri that God created. Because God saw it good to have a Bri in this world at this time and I want Him to use me up. All the way.

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At Allume, I got to spend time with three Ruth’s who have been very much part of my life for exactly one year:

All my ruths

(From left) Ruth Simons, a beautiful friend with an amazing print shop. Ruth Soukup, an absolute cheerleader for her people and an incredible blogger. And Ruth Samsel, my literary agent (and that’s another post for another day).

I also got to walk with these bright beautiful hearts for a weekend and they reminded me what it looks like to love everyone who is put on our path every day:

Allume 2015 friends

From left, Ruth, me, Edie and Shannan.

I made sangrias to bring to some of my friends. Because I love loving people by serving them food. Isn’t everyones love language food?!

sangria for allume

My dear friend and amazing blogger, Emily Freeman of Simply Tuesday interviewed me for their (her and her sister, The Nester‘s) upcoming launch of – for my writer friends, you want to be part of this. The writing life does not have to be lonely. Learn more here.

emily freeman and bri

Most people who know Emily know she is one deep beautiful breath of fresh air. But she also makes me laugh until I can’t breathe and when this was captured I believe the producer was trying to get us to reign it in and get back on the same page. I just love her!

Then I came back to South Carolina and found my rhythm at the stove.

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And I realized rhythm is all around me, I don’t have to relentlessly search for it or grab for it when I go to new places. Rhythm is the beat of my heart, the ascent of the sun, the presence of God always with us.

Next week, Beau and I will call home El Salvador. Our family for that week will be some seriously cute El Salvadorian kids. And I know God will have us right where He needs us.

Can we even take it in? All the people God allows us to love and be loved by. All the people He allows us to bump up against, using them to reveal more of Himself to us.

Today we go out and pour, pour, pour ourselves out. Trusting how God created us, what He wants to do through us. Trusting how we can serve His Kingdom today. We find our true rhythm in His love.

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  1. Elizabeth Highsmith says:

    Randomly came upon this from a comment you left on dearest Edie’s life in grace cherry pie post. Thank you for your heart and words spilled on the page. I needed these words and didn’t even know it. Bless you and thank you.

    • Bri McKoy says:

      Hi Elizabeth! Isn’t Edie just the best?! Thank you so much for taking time to check out my blog and this post. Your encouragement is such a gift to my day. So grateful! xoxo

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