
Mom’s Three Ingredient Queso

  • Author: Bri McKoy


  • 1 cup heavy cream or half and half 
  • 810 slices white American cheese (I got mine from the deli at our grocery store)
  • 2 Tbsp salsa verde or 3 Tbsp of canned green chilies 

I added the following to make it extra:

  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp juice from a jar of Hot Chili Peppers


To make my mom’s version:

  1. Add 1 cup cream to a saucepan over medium high heat and allow to come to a simmer.
  2. Add cheese slices. Allow cheese to melt and get bubbly (this will take about 2 – 3 minutes; be sure to stir to incorporate everything). Do not walk away from your pan or your stove will be wearing a new queso cape. Add salsa verde or hatch green chilies. Enjoy immediately! 

To make my extra version:

  1. In a saucepan over medium high heat, add the butter. Once the butter melts, add the garlic and let it cook for about one minute.
  2. Add the heavy cream and 3 Tbsp canned green chilies. Once it comes to a simmer, add the cheese.
  3. Allow cheese to melt, making sure to stir so everything gets incorporated. Add the salt and the juice from the jar of Hot Chili Peppers. Enjoy immediately!